Our top projects

Our support is always there for you.
In case of malfunction, off course you want to resume your production process as quickly as possible. Our remote support department can remotely monitor the machine control with you. Thanks to the extensive knowledge and experience of our service engineers, we can solve most malfunctions for you on site. Thanks to our large stock of machine parts, we can switch quickly. We also work at competitive rates.
Read more about our service and maintenance services:
Service- and maintenance services
+31 (0)316 – 24 07 18 info@hacoplast.com

Hacoplast: Offers solutions for your entire injection moulding factory.
Hacoplast B.V. was founded on September 1, 2005 and could already rely on years of experience in plastic injection moulding, of which more than 13 years in the Automotive industry. We are a supplier of injection moulding machines including installation, service and maintenance. We also supply cost-effective moulds, robots, coolers and all other possible peripheral equipment.